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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১৯ জানুয়ারি ২০২৪

গবেষণা প্রবন্ধসমূহ: ২০১৪ - ২০০১

  1. Endoparasitic Infection in Laboratory Rat Strain, Long-Evans(Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769)
  2. Comparative study between the effect of Coccinia cordifolia (leaf and root) powder on hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic activity of alloxan induced type 2 diabetic Long- Evans rats
  3. Comparative Study between the Effect of Momordica charantia (Wild Type) Fruits and Coccinia cordifolia’s Leaf on Hypoglycemic and Hypolipidemic Activities of Alloxan
Endoparasitic Infection in Laboratory Rat Strain, Long-Evans
(Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769)
Endoparasitic Infection in Laboratory Rat Strain, Long-Evans
(Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769)
Endoparasitic Infection in Laboratory Rat Strain, Long-Evans
(Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769)